Our team was selected by the IDNR to address breaches in the canal levee and develop plans to restore it while ensuring the preservation of all historical and archaeological aspects of the project corridor. The honor of working on a National Historic Landmark site is not the only thing that has our team excited to get started on this project. The site includes a historically utilized towpath that now serves as part of a 23-mile recreation trail corridor used by many.

One unique feature of the project is the crossing of two streams – the Green River and the Hennepin Canal – one over the other at different elevations. The Hennepin Canal was routed under the Green River through a siphon at Lock #27.

Our team is excited to start our journey for this amazing project, and we look forward to a fun and exciting opportunity to serve IDNR and the end users of this historic corridor. #IDNR #HennepinCanal